Change the way the world learns

It is a myth that on-demand learning is relevant only for distance learning programs. In the world-leading universities, it is a critical part of on-campus learning process.

The entire process of online learning is about bending the arc towards empowering the learner to be more successful. Flipped classroom are a higher now.

Today, most educational institutions are painfully slow in adopting 21st century learning methodologies especially the latest tools and designs in online teaching/learning. It is no longer practical for a learning platform to deliver the same information to each and every student in a "one size fits all approach".

Today it is all about customized learning process to cater student's requirements. So learning activities are becoming more bite-sized, with focus on just-in-time learning, and delivered via Internet and mobile media anywhere, anytime. The learning process adopts accurately to the learners behaviour.

In effect, learning is "on demand", available digitally across different media, and nuggetized to suit the learner’s preference, thus leading to his or her success. That's how on demand learning is measured - quality of the learner engagement, success achieved by the learner and how personalized is the process.

We have already enabled the digital/on demand learning for many universities, colleges, companies. Many more are in discussions. We can help you too. Just call us!