Building an institutional brand in the digital era

The number of internet users in India is 402 million, registering a growth of 49% over last year. About 306 million of these access internet from their mobile devices, up from 276 million in October 2015, according to the report by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and IMRB. Further, 37% of internet users in India are in the age group of 15 - 24 year old. More than 50 percent of Internet users in India use Facebook & over 75 percent of them access the social network site from their mobile phones.

Digital marketing and social media are causing a significant impact on consumers behavior. This shift in the pattern of content consumption has greatly impacted how marketers spend their money in building brands. What intrigues the marketers is the ability to build brands in a cost effective way in comparison to traditional media and methods. The ability to reach out to the desired target audience across demography requires a solid digital marketing strategy rather than the need to spend big bucks in mass mediums at significantly high costs.

Given the context, its important for institutions to reimaging their marketing strategy in the digital era.

Two key pillars of CL's marketing and brand building solutions:

Reach - Targeted and laser beam
CL's digital marketing solution for institutions entails plan to reach out to desired demographics, interest, behavior or any other attribute that falls in the consideration set of institutions. It’s about creating your presence to the most relevant audience through continuous profiling and assessment.

Deep engagement over the student/ customer lifecycle
We plan for your prospects to find you, take action, visit your website, read about your offerings, seek answers to their query in a manner that's engaging & non-intrusive. It’s built with designing the appropriate content & is timed as per their stage of preparation.

We work with over 200 companies, institution and brands for their customer engagement and brand building.