Have you ever wondered how one can achieve the unthinkable?
Well, the 2 days at ABC – MET has got me started on a goal that did not exist until 48 hours ago. 29031 is the number in my head. Well, 29031.7 is the height of Mt Everest in feet and that’s where I want us to reach in terms of VMC-CL enrolments. Unthinkable. Challenging. Painfully hard. But that was what the ABC and the team chatter was all about. Think about the unthinkable and get down to achieving it.
Vikas Dimri, The Everest Summiteer. I could not think of a better guest speaker than Vikas, a former colleague and an ace mountaineer and Iron Man. His feet too began with the unthinkable dream – Scaling the Everest. We learnt a lot and walked away inspired to look at our Mount Everest.

Dream with a plan becomes a goal. And, when there is no looking back, this beautiful thought/dream just takes shape of daily habits, new normal, new comfort zones. Soon enough, one is at the summit. Life is such!
1. High Energy Levels:
The more you lose yourself in something bigger, the more energy you will have says Norman Vincent Peale. I saw this come to life in the last 48 hours. A team of 32 vibrant in action.
2. Nuggets of wisdom
A delight to see and experience how infectious one man’s dream coming true can be. As Vikas Dimri, our guest for the evening was sharing his journey to Mt. Everest, the team has already begun making plans on what and how to imbibe the “not so easy” acts
- I can take immense pain
- Overcoming my 'fear'
- Seeking newer comfort zones
Collaboration does wonders.
We were in the same conference room with Joshi Sir (Science Parivar) and Saurabh Kumar (Vidya Mandir Classes), both of whom could be categorized as competition. I am not sure how many companies would try/do this. Collaborate with a competitor? Unthinkable, right, in a conventional mindset? Not in today’s day and age. Definitely, not in CL. The beauty of collaboration is in having all the resources one needs almost on a platter and working together. Similarly, I am delighted to see the lines getting blurred between Sales and Acads. When a Faculty talks EBIDTA or OPM or a sales leader speak about JEE paper pattern change, its, indeed, music to our ears.
Fun And Masti:

It was fun hanging out with the entire team comprising young and old. Acads and business. Boys and girls. Most were meeting for the first time in almost 18 months. The chatter, the drinks, the anecdotes, the photographs and even learning Japanese counting in two mins. It was fun
The team for the opportunity:
In the test-prep opportunity called India for CL, cracking and scaling the NEET-JEE Everest is a question of time. It is a ‘when’ and not a ‘if’. The team is super competent and energized from what I see. The coming together of VMC and CL to go after this 30-lakh aspirant opportunity as a joint force is the critical enabler in my mind. Shivku and I are committed to leading this team to a win. For CL, this segment must become #1 contributor in two years.
Rock in Action, now:
So, where to from here? Of course, I want us all to climb our Mt. Everest. I commit myself to it. Unconditionally. Look forward to the real EBC (Everest Base Camp) trek next year as we move on in our journey to the summit of 29,031 enrolments and the journey to the summit. The first basecamp being 1229 enrolments in Legacy and 1000 each in Prodigy (4-7) and Neev (8-9).
The expedition is underway, and I am excited to be part of this team and realize my role as one of the leaders. We will rock it!
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